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3 Signs of interview not going well

Jinal Dalal
2 min readOct 4, 2020


While it’s important to give a great interview. Rather even more important for Andy who I interviewed recently was to know when this interview is not going well.

Before we jump into this, if you are looking for a A-class mock interview training, signup at

Alright, back to the top 4 signs interviews are not going well. While I primarily focus on the product interviews, this signals work for any type of interviews.

  1. Followups
  2. Changing questions or simplifying it based on previous responses
  3. Significantly shorter interview

Let’s dive into the details of all these scenarios one by one to get a better understanding of these.

  1. Follow-ups

As you are responding to questions, you will find that most interviewer when the interview is going well will ask follow-up questions, have curiosity about the response you are giving and will be very involved in the whole process.

As part of the interview if you realize that you are not seeing that level of engagement, try to PAUSE and get a sense on whether you are heading in right direction.

2. Change in set of questions

Not only the type of questions, but the difficulty of questions are important too. If you find the interviewer to increasingly ask easier questions, that might be related to the level of difficulty you can handle. This is similar to being in an adaptive tests where to better understand your experience and skills, the interviewer is changing the directions.

3. Shorter Interviews

There could be times when the interviewer reduces the amount of spend on the interview either by finishing off early OR by discussing other open ended experiences. This may be due to the fact that interviewer has learnt that your experience is less relevant or does not apply to the role they might be looking for. This is what would sometimes end up with an interview that is shorter that what was previously promised.

In all cases, knowing these signals and then either changing your response or understanding the early outcome will eventually help you build more resilience towards these interviews.

