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MBA for being a Product Manager

Jinal Dalal


Consistently, I see that a lot of new product managers and aspiring ones think that MBA is required as a product manager. While that is a common norm, its not a requirement and I will tell you why.

Most product managers think that they are here because of their experience in business, but infact the real challenge in all this is their ability to focus and build products that matter.

Lets break down some of the skills you get as a MBA student. If you would like to experience what it takes to be a PM, signup for the course here:

  1. Business Skills
  2. Managing People
  3. Finance/Accounting
  4. Customer requirements

Lets start with the business and financial skills. Business skills include accounting and finance, ability to market product and services, building on the foundation of the core business principles. The way to really learn about business skills outside the business school is through generating and building upon ideas.

For e.g.

Creating a newsletter will teach you about copywriting and engagement. It would also teach you about managing metrics and understand the user needs.

The same examples can be applied to the starting an e-commerce business or writing a course.

2. Managing People

This is probably the most overrated skills you will learn in business. The process of managing people is complex and not something you can learn.

3. Gathering customer requirements is all about being careful in understanding what the customers need and what they are looking for in the product. Apple knows exactly what customer needs since they can track the usage. Google understands the experience of search and builds UI to meet that experience based on the customer.

Hence, as obvious, I am absolutely sure that you can pick the skills on your own. Are there other skills you would like to call out ?

If you are transitioning into PM role, you may find this course useful!

