What would software engineering looks like in 2025

Jinal Dalal
2 min readMay 4, 2024


As much as I read about 2023’s major pivot that literally changed the world in a significant way, one thing that stands out is how we expect developers to operate and develop software in today’s world.

Up until 2023, Software Engineering and Software development had an invicible path where they could leverage their skills in a significant way to have outsides return. But that changed after ChatGPT was launched and just within the last year and half, there has been an insane amount of development using AI. So, instead of talking about what’s the new tools that are in development and evolving fast, I am going to talk about some really amazing user tools that helps develop code 10X faster.

  1. Github Copilot/Codium: Github Copilot continues to evolve as a tool that addresses the needs of the software developers. In just last 6 months since its available over 50% of the software developers have used this tool. With a tool that enables users to use it for free + teams with a $19 /user per month cost, this is a very small amount to consider if developers easily save about 50% of the time(20 hours per week)

2. Code Assist for Cloud: While coding and IDE tools are integrated solutions where the coding gets started, another surface area that is trigged and significantly accelerated is the complex cloud development. Azure, AWS and GCP launched Code Assist tools that simplifies cloud development. Cloud has multiple apis talking to each other and they require a new set out tools that operate outside IDE.

3. Autonomous Coding Agents:ACA: Since the viral video that show cases the capability of software developers through AI, there are new products in this pipeline including Archie AI which helps you in a significant way to write your first CL or Github Workspace that enables an end-to-end feature developmennt. These agents show a great promis today but they are yet to deliver in a way that really applies to enterprise software.

Are there any other tools and services that you would recommend in this space ?

